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A Different take on technology

In this century the world has had many technological changes, these changes have made people have different attitudes. in daily life stuff like their relationship with people and their own families and friends. These artworks are related to the concept of technology and how it has affected us in a negative way but taking it towards the positive. The culture of today is appreciated in relation to technology and how it has changed us for tomorrow.

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Going to reality


January 2020


The character is trying to go out of the computer by searching an image of a ladder, trying to reach the window to go out and see the reality, symbolizing how some people think that the “reality” is in the computer when the reality is outside and not in the web.

Nature in geometry

17 x 18 cm

November 2019


Half of the flower is natural, and the other half is made in geometric figures, making visible the transition of the world making thing more geometrical and organized than natural, and all of these is shown through screens, for people the technology is more important than nature.


Reflective switches

17 x 14 cm

 September 2019


These were various switches that make the technology in a direct relationship the word above the switch. Like the word Responsibility where when the switch is off you don’t have a responsibility with technology but when it is on you have a responsibility with the use of technology.

Is this a family?


March 2020


Is a family portrait that represents how they're being affected by the technology, they lived control by the technology trying to follow the ideal perfect family. All connected to the cellphones and following an impossible ideal family makes us wonder if this is a family. 

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L’ultima cena

21,59x27,94 cm

November 2018


This is a reinterpretation of The last dinner made by Leonardo Da Vinci, in this piece nobody is paying attention by using technological devices to Jesus which is a woman changing the stereotypes. Representing how technology can be more persuasive and interesting to a lot of people than religion

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