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Not  sure what this is but an exhibition of literature

More poems. More poems 

Charles Bukowski 



Growing up I had a mother that always read to me at night, which took me to FILBO when I didn’t even know how to write properly and that read little poems of Jairo Anibal Niño. I became very fond of books because of her and started reading authors of the likes of Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, and García Márquez. Literature has been a part of me since I can recall and until this day, my truest passion.


The artworks presented in this exposition reflect on the impact that books have had on me for a very long time. I believe that visual arts, as well as literature can unveil a lot of what it means to be human; at the same time, I like to think that I find myself in them too. Every artwork that I am presenting has an specific emotion or theme that I wanted to portray and that I have felt at some point in my life, to me art is not just about expressing something but rather about hard conceptual work; I had always felt I couldn’t do art because I wasn’t able to draw, I learned with this exhibition that in combining art with something that I truly enjoy I was able to create artworks that depict a lot of who I am.


Seeing my artworks on this website really makes me proud of the effort I put in every project. I am thankful for the teacher that accompanied through this journey and that always supported my ideas when they seemed to be very strong conceptually and had to have a lot of work technically, and I am also very thankful to my mother for giving me the greatest gift: the pleasure of books.


Finally, I invite you to contemplate these artworks for what they are: a combination between literature and visual arts. 


Two dying poets

Title: Two dying poets 

Date: November 2019

Technic: Photoshop 

Measurements: 15cmX15cm, 15cmX10cm


Alfonsina Storni and Alejandra Pizarnik are both two poets that committed suicide amidst their artistic development. One poem by each one of them was selected and represented in the photoshop and digital alteration of their images. Two dying poets is an artwork that reflects on the talent and recognition of these two poets and also the elements that they used in their poems to represent their depression and willingness to die. 

Rebellious Women 

Title: Rebellious Women 

Date: September 2019

Technic: Collage and Graffiti 

Measurements: 100cmX70cm


Rebellious women characters are not new to literature, the fact that women in modern books are shown as strong and independent is not a coincidence but rather a representation of an unseen reality by many. In this collage, three main characters are portrayed: Lolita from Nabokov´s novel, Marciana from Opio en las nubes and Nancy from Erase una vez el amor pero tuve que matarlo. What these three women have in common is their unique way of approaching men and their selfless attitudes, this artwork goes on to reflect certain book fragments where their characters are described. 

The Alphabet Snail

Title: The Alphabet Snail

Date: April 2019

Technic: Sculpture in plaster, wool, and paper

Measurements: 70 cmX45cmX35cm


A snail carries its home in its back, words for a writer have the same purpose. A human body is depicted through a mold made on the cast and is combined with wool arches that resemble the shell of a snail and in such structure, there are tangled letters. This conjunction of elements is put together in order to reflect on what letters and words mean for a writer, with the comparison of what a shell does for a snail. Words are a way to create a new home or to be safer from the outside world; as the writer hides on their work, the snail protects itself on its carapace. 

Crying in a shade of blue 

Title: Crying in a shade of blue

Date: June 2019

Technic: Collage 

Measurements: 100cmX70cm


An eye is where a human secretes the ultimate symbol of sadness: a gentle tear. Through the combination of blue and purple paper shades, the ambiance is set to depict a melancholic mood. The black lines represent the tired eye that is crying through three thin strings of wool. Eyes are connected because two people are crying for each other’s company, however, they will only meet in their sadness. 

What am I shielding myself from?

Title: What am I shielding myself from? 

Date: April of 2020

Technic: Newspaper braiding and collage 

Measurements: 10cmX20cm


Media outlets have made of coronavirus a bigger threat by overwhelming people with information about the virus. Somehow, we now have to protect ourselves from newscasts as well, every word that’s published can be perceived differently by every person and has the potential to cause chaos. The invitation is to go deeper to what is barely visible. 

Life through a cigarette

Title: Life through a cigarette 

Date: January 2020

Technic: Melted paraffin

Measurements: Three objects, diameter of 7cm


Does an artist burn out in their artwork production? In the movie Stranger than fiction, the author seems to be vanishing in the thought that she can´t write anymore. Like a cigarette, an artist is consumed in the fire of art. 

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